Work Experience & Support for Employment Opportunities For Young People including those with SEND

One off events

Video diary

Services record a video or 3-5mins to showcase a day in the life of a role within the council to showcase the variety of roles we have.

Careers Talk

Services deliver a careers talk on site

Careers Day

Services attend school careers days or a careers day event at the Council where students can engage with teams to find out more about the roles we offer.

Work Experience

Work experience - light

4 x one hour sessions with a single team over a term to help introduce those with mental health issues engage with a light version of work experience- these sessions will be arranged however depending on the young person and their needs they may be cancelled or rearranged at short notice.  The aim of the session is to support a young person with complex needs to take small steps with engaging with a work environment

Work experience- taster

6 x one hour sessions within different teams to find out more about the council

Work Experience- intense

2 week work experience placement within a service of interest

Virtual Work Experience

A chance for students to experience the virtual workplace 

School Support

Schools will offer vocational profiling to help match students to roles. In many cases the school will provide support to the service if a student with additional needs is allocated a placement.  This could involve risk assessment advice, pre-placement visits, and support during the placement or facilitating a one page "All About Me" profile to help services make any adjustments or preparations for the student.

Employment Preparation

1:1 Careers Meeting

One to one meeting with a student Interview Experience- A day spent providing mock interview experience to students.

Placements & Apprenticeships

Work placement

A work placement of one day per week over a minimum of six weeks.  This type of placement could be with one team or several teams and is designed to get students into the rhythm of attending work and learning new skills over a period of time.

Supported Internship

Students aged 16-19 who have an EHC plan are expected to follow a programme of study to help them move into employment. The student will usually have a job coach and the council are offering to provide subsidised training for schools who participate in work experience schemes to train staff in being job coaches.  Supported internships usually last for 6 months and are designed to be a learning experience to improve employability for those students with additional needs who may then progress to a traineeship or apprenticeship.


A traineeship can last from 6 weeks to a year although most are for a minimum of 6 months.  These are for all students not just those with additional needs.  They are for 16-24 year olds and are designed to help students get ready for an apprenticeship. Or job.

The work experience must make up a minimum of 70 hours. Trainees attend training sessions provide by a traineeship provider for the majority of their time.


Team offers a full blown apprenticeship which will hopefully lead to a permanent role at the end or if not extensive work experience and support to move onto their next role.

An apprenticeship requires the attainment of qualifications and assessments in addition to work place skills and requires a minimum of 20% off the job training. The apprentices will receive a salary and be a part of the workforce as an employee.

Full Internship

Students usually already following a programme of study such as a University Course will undertake a period of paid employment during holiday periods which can involve working on a project or as part of a wider team on business as usual and is designed to be work experience to improve future employability.



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