These cookies enable us and third-party services to collect aggregated data for statistical purposes on how our visitors use the website. These cookies do not contain personal information such as names and email addresses, they are used to help us improve your user experience of the website.
We use Google Analytics cookies to track visitor usage of our website including the number of visitors and their user journeys. This information helps us understand the interests of our site users and improve our site accordingly. If you would like to opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites you can do so below.
As part of our marketing automation and analysis, GOSS also use Pardot cookies. Pardot uses first party cookies for tracking purposes and sets third party cookies for redundancy. These cookies do not store personally identifying information, they store only unique identifiers. The visitor cookie is composed of a unique visitor ID and the unique identifier for your account. For example, the cookie name "visitor_id12345" stores the visitor value "1010101010", and "12345" is the account identifier. This cookie is set for all visitors to the GOSS website by the Pardot tracking code.